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Services:Therapeutic Massage 75 Minutes, CBD Therapeutic Massage Full Spectrum 80Min change

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  • Fertility Massage

    Fertility Massage can be used to  help couples become pregnant through their own natural cycle, or this treatment may be combined with Artificial Reproductive Technology (ART).  By closely working with the couple, each treatment is specialized depending on where each woman is on her particular cycle whether it is a natural or medicated cycle.  Abdominal work is used to increase circulation, reduce adhesions and scar tissue, encourage blood flow to the pelvic area and to aid in growing the uterine lining as well as follicle development.  Please inquire if you have any further questions, or to hep develop a treatment plan to best suit your needs.
    • Fertility Massage 80min $165
      Fertility Massage can be used to  help couples become pregnant through their own natural cycle, or this treatment may be combined with Artificial Reproductive Technology (ART).  By closely working with the couple, each treatment is specialized depending on where each woman is on her particular cycle whether it is a natural or medicated cycle.  Abdominal work is used to increase circulation, reduce adhesions and scar tissue, encourage blood flow to the pelvic area and to aid in growing the uterine lining as well as follicle development.  Please inquire if you have any further questions, or to hep develop a treatment plan to best suit your needs.
  • Prenatal Massage

    60, 75 & 90 minute sessions focusing on relaxation, hip, pelvic, back, and round ligament pain, swelling, and tension headaches.  Prenatal massage can be done through out the entire pregnancy unless otherwise directed by your health care team. 
    • Essential Pregnancy Massage 75min $145
    • Therapeutic Pregnancy Massage 60 Minutes $145

    • Essential Pregnancy Massage 90 Minutes $175
    • Therapeutic Pregnancy Massage 90Min $175
    • Therapeutic Massage

      Treatments tailored to work specific areas of pain, muscle stress and discomfort using deep tissue, swedish,neuromuscular therapy, and myofascial stretching.
    • Induction Massage

      Massage combined with the stimulation of acupoints to help encourage baby's arrival and encourage productive contractions through out labor.
    • Postnatal Massage

      Postnatal massage can be preformed as soon as mom is ready.  Postnatal massage targets edema, sore muscles, pelvic, hip and lower back pain.  Also aids in detoxification and rebalancing hormones.
      • Postnatal Massage 60min $145
      • Back to Me Postnatal Massage 90min $175
        This particular Postnatal massage is suggested (6) weeks after delivery to help with hormone balance through the use of essential oils,  and deeper  abdominal work to encourage  relief from constipation & abdominal stagnation.  This postnatal massage includes the use of a castor oil pack which will aid in elimination, reduce the growth of fibroids, and encourage detoxification.  Circulatory massage is used to decrease swelling, and also helps with sore wrists and joint pain.  The use of essential oils aids in uplifting the spirit for those suffering from Postpartum Depression.  Scar reformation massage will also be taught for those Women recovering from a C-Section.
      • Back to Me Postnatal Massage 75min $145
        This particular Postnatal massage is suggested (6) weeks after delivery to help with hormone balance through the use of essential oils,  and deeper  abdominal work to encourage  relief from constipation & abdominal stagnation.  This postnatal massage includes the use of a castor oil pack which will aid in elimination, reduce the growth of fibroids, and encourage detoxification.  Circulatory massage is used to decrease swelling, and also helps with sore wrists and joint pain.  The use of essential oils aids in uplifting the spirit for those suffering from Postpartum Depression.  Scar reformation massage will also be taught for those Women recovering from a C-Section.
      • Postnatal Massage 90min $165
        Postnatal massage can be done as soon as Mom is ready after giving birth whether its three days postpartum or 2 weeks.  This postnatal massage is best right after labor and includes very light  abdominal massage which will help encourage elimination, circulation, relief from gas and other abdominal stagnation.    This massage is also suggested to help address “nursing” back, sore arms, postpartum swelling, labor and delivery muscle pain or strain.  Postnatal massage encourages the flushing of the lymphatic system to help rebuild immunity.  Most importantly its the self care needed after hours of labor and delivery.  
      • Postnatal Massage 75min $145
        Postnatal massage can be done as soon as Mom is ready after giving birth whether its three days postpartum or 2 weeks.  This postnatal massage is best right after labor and includes very light  abdominal massage which will help encourage elimination, circulation, relief from gas and other abdominal stagnation.    This massage is also suggested to help address “nursing” back, sore arms, postpartum swelling, labor and delivery muscle pain or strain.  Postnatal massage encourages the flushing of the lymphatic system to help rebuild immunity.  Most importantly its the self care needed after hours of labor and delivery.  
    • Couples Prenatal & Labor Massage Instruction

      Couples prenatal instruction helps guide moms partner in simple techniques that can help relieve pain, encourage circulation reduce swelling or edema, and encourage relaxation.  The release of endorphins or the feel good hormone's builds bonding between baby and parents.
      • Couples Prenatal Massage & Labor Instruction 80 Minutes $200
        This is a private hands on massage class for the New Pregnant Mom and her partner.   In this class you will learn comfort levels to help Mom with Pregnancy aches and pains, as well as comfort levels to help mom during labor and delivery.  A gift of six essential oils are included in this package as well as a comfort measures during labor handbook that will help with relaxation during pregnancy.  Couples will also be taught the correct use of the essential oils for pregnancy, labor, and for mom and baby postnatally.  
LMT: No preference, Tracie Turnipseed, Tracie Turnipseed